tisdag 24 september 2024

French Mansion! Walls!


Here can you 3 of the walls 

lördag 14 september 2024

New project! Bed room!


                                          Many years ago I bought a book that they showed 

how to make a Versailles floor tiles so I have to make it,

but it is now that I have finished the floor

and I shall make a bedroom

in a French mansion

torsdag 4 juli 2024

My book is for selling!

                                             My book is for selling at Blurb:


                                                                            or PDF file at Etsy:


söndag 14 april 2024

New Lamp! Beach house!

I have made a new lamp 
for my beach house


fredag 22 mars 2024

New Project! Happy Easter theme!Market stall!

I have made a little market stall

This time an Easter theme

I wish you all
Happy Easter


måndag 4 mars 2024

Art Deco shop!


Beginning making a little
Art deco shop in a box
Drawer is bought

Mirror is made of paper,
Tables and shelf are wooden strips,
Earth globe is a polystyrene ball and
wrapping paper around.
Frames are antique

Drawer is bought

Lamp is made of pearl of mustard tube, 
wire and nano led lamp
Carpet and boxes is paper
Bag of pearls

Lamps on table are made of pearls, jewelry
and wire

Decor in vase on floor made of paper and wire

I have designed the room divider in a computer
and then a friend have
printed it out in wood.
Wall decor is made of wire
and then mounted on paper board
Palm tree made of mustard tube
and wooden strip, base of a bottle

tisdag 27 februari 2024

Shopping mall! More Photos!

Here can you see 
the whole 
shopping mall

fredag 23 februari 2024

Activating play things for my toy shop!

Another activating play
outdoor playing


torsdag 1 februari 2024

Shop signs! Shopping mall!

I have made shop signs for the different shops
Here is: 
Adams mini livs

Perfume & Beauty

Kihlbergs Guld



Fashion Boutique

Quilt & Garn


söndag 28 januari 2024

onsdag 17 januari 2024

Shopping mall! Lights!

Lightning in
with stairs

And here with
stairs and railings


Grocery store

Perfume & Beauty


Toy shop


Interior shop

Lamp shop:


Quilt and yarn shop